Tuesday, July 17, 2012


A stylish and simple design using a bold colour. I'm using blue here but it can be alternated with any other dark colour.

Step 1:
Apply a base coat on your nails. Always use a transparent base before using a dark colour to protect your nails.

Step 2:
Apply a thick coat of opaque blue and let it dry properly. If you think necessary apply a second coat, only if its necessary!

Step 3:
Using a silver nail art tube, start making stars on your nails. It doesn't matter whether the whole star fits or not. Randomly make stars and let it dry.

Step 4: (Optional)
Once the stars are complete and dry, fill them using transparent polish with glitter, and once it dries apply a coat of transparent polish to seal your design and give it an extra shine. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


A simple and adorable nail art design that will express your moods through your nails.

Step 1:
Apply a transparent base coat on your nails.

Step 2:
Once the base coat is completely dry star making your smiley faces with a nail art tube.

Step 3:
Finish making the eyes first. There can be different ways of making eyes, the straight lines or simple dots or a ";" to give a wink expression.
Step 4:
Complete the design with whatever expression you want to give your nail and your design is complete.

You can use different expressions for each nail or the same one. Some of the most common designs that you can use are "=)", "=O", "=P", "=D", "=(", "^_^", "=/", "B)", ''=S" "XD"etc.